After a week of utter hell dealing with the spawns of Satan in various experiences this week, I think I deserve a little happiness.
I had fun last nigth at Roula's house with my darling sista, and then we decided to spend the night after realizing we were far too exhausted to drive. It is now 2:20 pm and we are still here. Haha, and Roula's husband had some colored eye contacts so I said...WHY THE HELL NOT?
I totally have green eyes and I think I'm going to stick with this for a while. They look pretty real and I feel fine without make up on. Hahah. OH! so. FUN.
Hah, it felt so strange at first, but I totally don't even notice them anymore.
Now I guess we're waiting for Roula to come back from work and we might hang out. I just need a fun fucking night after the week I've had. I've decided, that the majority of people are not only dumb and selfish, but also completely rude, inconsiderate, and MEAN. The only service they provide is making the nice people in life seem like a blessing from God himself. And they make one's friends and family seem like angels....ANGELS I TELL YOU! ANGELS!
Hah, ah dear. I love Sarah Sayeed. I love Sarah Quadri. And apparently I was not the only Quadri crying her eyes out yesterday. When she picked me up from school to go out, I asked her if she had any concealer so I didn't look like a train wreck, and she was like..."No, but I wish I had some after all the crying I did today." And then I was like "OH MY GOD ME TOO!!!" And then the venting pursued. Haha. Sisters. They're great. They are my best friends...of all time. And I have 3 of them. Tamara, Sarah Q., and Sarah S.
Das righhh beetches.
sabato 21 febbraio 2009
lunedì 16 febbraio 2009
Oh poopy day.
I love you rain, but not when I have to carry around my camera.
Period. Cramps. Lots of homework. Stressful driving. No money. Lots of debt. Expensive books. Expensive photo supplies. Hungry as hell.
Well atleast people are being really nice and my family made up for a shitty birthday by making the rest of the weekend fan-fucking-tastic. I definitely should have stayed home yesterday to do all the homework that I now have to do today on top of a bunch of other shit, but it was well worth it.
And now for the Panther...
Period. Cramps. Lots of homework. Stressful driving. No money. Lots of debt. Expensive books. Expensive photo supplies. Hungry as hell.
Well atleast people are being really nice and my family made up for a shitty birthday by making the rest of the weekend fan-fucking-tastic. I definitely should have stayed home yesterday to do all the homework that I now have to do today on top of a bunch of other shit, but it was well worth it.
And now for the Panther...
martedì 10 febbraio 2009
lunedì 9 febbraio 2009
My faith in the art of writing.
I'm reading two books on the Qur'an at the moment:
The Story of the Qur'an by Ingrid Mattson
Understanding the Islamic Scripture by Mustansir Mir
When I sit down in this intellectual setting to study a book that gives me my name, Muslim, and way of life, Islam, I'm astonished at how it fits me perfectly. Here is a response I wrote for the first set of reading.
The name of the book itself stresses that it is that which is read and that which is recited. From the reading this week, I have felt that because of the fact that it is read and recited, with rhyme and meter and various literary techniques, it becomes this work that people want to hear and say. It is because of this that it can be memorized and stored to memory so quickly and for so long. Hearing just the first word of a momentarily forgotten surah can jog the memory instantly, and suddenly, the entire surah is being recited.
I believe that because of this literary stronghold, just as with a novel or work of ancient epic poetry, there is more to the writing than what is directly stated. Just as we analyze characters and find symbolism in novels, or search for the various meanings each word can provide in poetry, such is what begs for from the writings of the Qur’an. Mustansir Mir explains a similar idea when he discusses how the Qur’an is declared by some scholars to be a disconnected text. He then explains how this is not true and how this is merely a misguided approach to the scripture.
Although the arrangement of surahs seems non-cohesive, there is a strong employment of metonymy. Certain ideas and stories, when put next to each other, take on different meanings and form interesting connections. Mir says, “the alleged case for the ‘disconnectedness’ of the Qur’an is overstated.”
Another aspect of the emphasis towards the literary aesthetic and literary skills that I found to be a theme is that it had a dualism of having adhered to the respected oral tradition of the time while it cultivated literacy. The pre-Islamic Arabs recited poetry with a revered sophistication, just as the huffaz did and still do with the Qur’an. It kept this tradition while bringing literate culture.
Aside from the obvious beliefs in the oneness of God and “right belief” and “right conduct,” I found that the importance of this theme of developed and beautiful language was very common and provides an interesting backbone to the scripture, how it was delivered, and how it is received to this very day. There is definitely something to be said for such a beautiful piece of writing coming from a region of nearly illiterate people. That alone has a divine presence.
I mean seriously, what better book to believe in that has everything I love: creativity and symbolism and poetic devices and rhyme and meter and stories. Not only that but Suraht il Fil (surah of the elephant) depicts this beautiful elephant that withstood beatings and suffereing because it refused to destroy the Ka'ba and Islamic stronghold.
HELLO! Who has loved and found this spiritual wisdom and beauty in elephants almost obsessively? ME, that's who. Reading these books is so great. There are so many facts and ideas I never knew that it is only strengthening my love for my faith.
The Story of the Qur'an by Ingrid Mattson
Understanding the Islamic Scripture by Mustansir Mir
When I sit down in this intellectual setting to study a book that gives me my name, Muslim, and way of life, Islam, I'm astonished at how it fits me perfectly. Here is a response I wrote for the first set of reading.
Religious texts are not just a dull list of Do’s and Do Not’s. One can clearly recognize that as the word of a magnificent, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent creator, it will be nothing short of beautiful. This is a very invigorating and attractive side to the Qur’an that I have absorbed thus far. It is not just text. It is literature and poetry and symbolism and metonymy and metaphor lying in between two human palms.
The name of the book itself stresses that it is that which is read and that which is recited. From the reading this week, I have felt that because of the fact that it is read and recited, with rhyme and meter and various literary techniques, it becomes this work that people want to hear and say. It is because of this that it can be memorized and stored to memory so quickly and for so long. Hearing just the first word of a momentarily forgotten surah can jog the memory instantly, and suddenly, the entire surah is being recited.
I believe that because of this literary stronghold, just as with a novel or work of ancient epic poetry, there is more to the writing than what is directly stated. Just as we analyze characters and find symbolism in novels, or search for the various meanings each word can provide in poetry, such is what begs for from the writings of the Qur’an. Mustansir Mir explains a similar idea when he discusses how the Qur’an is declared by some scholars to be a disconnected text. He then explains how this is not true and how this is merely a misguided approach to the scripture.
Although the arrangement of surahs seems non-cohesive, there is a strong employment of metonymy. Certain ideas and stories, when put next to each other, take on different meanings and form interesting connections. Mir says, “the alleged case for the ‘disconnectedness’ of the Qur’an is overstated.”
Another aspect of the emphasis towards the literary aesthetic and literary skills that I found to be a theme is that it had a dualism of having adhered to the respected oral tradition of the time while it cultivated literacy. The pre-Islamic Arabs recited poetry with a revered sophistication, just as the huffaz did and still do with the Qur’an. It kept this tradition while bringing literate culture.
Aside from the obvious beliefs in the oneness of God and “right belief” and “right conduct,” I found that the importance of this theme of developed and beautiful language was very common and provides an interesting backbone to the scripture, how it was delivered, and how it is received to this very day. There is definitely something to be said for such a beautiful piece of writing coming from a region of nearly illiterate people. That alone has a divine presence.
I mean seriously, what better book to believe in that has everything I love: creativity and symbolism and poetic devices and rhyme and meter and stories. Not only that but Suraht il Fil (surah of the elephant) depicts this beautiful elephant that withstood beatings and suffereing because it refused to destroy the Ka'ba and Islamic stronghold.
HELLO! Who has loved and found this spiritual wisdom and beauty in elephants almost obsessively? ME, that's who. Reading these books is so great. There are so many facts and ideas I never knew that it is only strengthening my love for my faith.
domenica 8 febbraio 2009
Stivali nuevi

My mood is very strange. All I want to do is blast pop music and play dress up with my new boots. I haven't left the house in over 36 hours and I'm totally okay with that. This has never happened to me before. I don't want to go out and I don't care to see anyone but my family right now. Strange days.
I have had this complete loss of caring about socializing. I really don't care to at all. I figure, I'll talk to people at school, I'll see people when they call me to hangout, but I have no inclination to call people and make plans.
I think it's just that I'm so absolutely tired of being people's bitch. That's about as crudely as I can put it, but it kind of feels that way. I'm always the one to call everyone and make plans and chase after people and do everything I can to be friends and make them like me and I've just come to this point where I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. I have my family and I'm happy. I don't care about finding time for friends all the time and being held responsible for doing so, especially when they don't find time for me. I REALLY don't care about making new friends or trying to hang out with school friends that just don't care to call or see me. I'm just so over it. If I'm not crazy about you, then I don't give a shit. I'm sick of constantly waiting for people to let me in and constantly trying to be their friends. I'm just going to start going with my instincts, if I feel the person cares and is worth it, then yeah, but most people these days are just not.
Tamara really has always had the right idea of relationships and people in general. Why haven't I modeled her theories earlier? I could have avoided so much rejection, hurt, stupidity, and just generally letting people get away with treating me like shit. I always make fun of her for not having any friends, but you know what? The few she does have are REAL and actually love and care about her so much. Things are always 100% honest and comfortable. She doesn't bother with the tons of people that just don't understand what it is to be a good friend. I have bothered for too long, and I officially dub this the weekend when Dana stopped giving a fuck.
Good day.
giovedì 5 febbraio 2009
Thank the Queen.
Kingdom of style has the most amazing links! Check this tights sight out. Tights are my new weaknessI get excited just thinking about it
Me Likeeeeeeee!!!!
domenica 1 febbraio 2009
Products of the weekend.
So all in all, I didn't get out of the house much this weekend even though twin was home. Oh vell.
BUT, I made quite a few cool things.
I reworked old stuff...SUCCESSFULLY!
I made a waist belt out of an old denim mini skirt that was much too whorish and A&F for my taste.
Then I took an old Beatles t-shirt and turned it into an asymmetrical tee (hacked off one sleeve).
Then I took another old t-shirt that has this awesome elephant print but the cut of the shirt was always just too tight and annoying. I don't think I ever wore it. SO i turned it into a strapless piece to layer over tanks and other tees.
THEN i took these J-crew slacks my sister gave me. I'm not one for wide legged slacks. I always love how they look but for some reason never like them on me. But I loved the fit of them too much to just toss them, so I turned them into REALLY cute sailor shorts. I even used a neat colored thread and stitch to give it a little bit of accent decor. I've been wanting shorts that cut to mid thigh rather than the super short stuff everyone has these days but all i could ever find was the super short ones or the bermuda cut ones--nothing in between. So I said, LET'S MAKE THEM! I really like them. Haha
So now that I have a hang of this sewing thing by practicing on reworking these pieces, I think I'm ready to start making things from scratch. My mom bought me a bunch of really cool skirt and dress patterns to work with. I'm so excited. I have SO many ideas. Oh AND, I'm going to daringly try to re-create a version of the sectional leggings Queen Michelle always wears on Kingdom of Style. I have a pair of awesome black tights that i can't really wear as much anymore because they have a whole that bothers me. So, I think I'm going to use those as a base and use scrap fabric I have to stitch on in sections. I mean, sewing on nylon is fucking difficult and risky, but I say it's worth it. I want leggings like that! They're "bloody" fantastic. (sometimes I wish I was British just so I could say bloody all the time. It's just too cool)
Hahah, oh and btw, i took before and after pictures, and picture of the pieces i have so far used in various outfits. I'll post them soon. Not tonight though, I'm lazy. (as you can see, I'm very motivated and influenced and inspired by Kingdom of Style, because that's what her blog is...haha. it's bloody fun...ok last time...i promise.)
BUT, I made quite a few cool things.
I reworked old stuff...SUCCESSFULLY!
I made a waist belt out of an old denim mini skirt that was much too whorish and A&F for my taste.
Then I took an old Beatles t-shirt and turned it into an asymmetrical tee (hacked off one sleeve).
Then I took another old t-shirt that has this awesome elephant print but the cut of the shirt was always just too tight and annoying. I don't think I ever wore it. SO i turned it into a strapless piece to layer over tanks and other tees.
THEN i took these J-crew slacks my sister gave me. I'm not one for wide legged slacks. I always love how they look but for some reason never like them on me. But I loved the fit of them too much to just toss them, so I turned them into REALLY cute sailor shorts. I even used a neat colored thread and stitch to give it a little bit of accent decor. I've been wanting shorts that cut to mid thigh rather than the super short stuff everyone has these days but all i could ever find was the super short ones or the bermuda cut ones--nothing in between. So I said, LET'S MAKE THEM! I really like them. Haha
So now that I have a hang of this sewing thing by practicing on reworking these pieces, I think I'm ready to start making things from scratch. My mom bought me a bunch of really cool skirt and dress patterns to work with. I'm so excited. I have SO many ideas. Oh AND, I'm going to daringly try to re-create a version of the sectional leggings Queen Michelle always wears on Kingdom of Style. I have a pair of awesome black tights that i can't really wear as much anymore because they have a whole that bothers me. So, I think I'm going to use those as a base and use scrap fabric I have to stitch on in sections. I mean, sewing on nylon is fucking difficult and risky, but I say it's worth it. I want leggings like that! They're "bloody" fantastic. (sometimes I wish I was British just so I could say bloody all the time. It's just too cool)
Hahah, oh and btw, i took before and after pictures, and picture of the pieces i have so far used in various outfits. I'll post them soon. Not tonight though, I'm lazy. (as you can see, I'm very motivated and influenced and inspired by Kingdom of Style, because that's what her blog is...haha. it's bloody fun...ok last time...i promise.)
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