martedì 4 maggio 2010

Baby Haters.

I've been meaning to express my frustration with this matter for quite some time now and I think my anger with it has come to an all time high today so here goes.

Babies are fucking cute.
Babies are BABIES. They're tiny and soft and their eyes are filled with fascination ALL THE TIME.
Babies are amazing and they always make me smile.

Sure they poo, and cry, and throw fits, BUT FUCK....SO DO YOU!!! And crying and bitching and bodily functions are may more annoying and 10x more gross in big people than in babies. And at least they bitch about shit that matters...I don't know like...eating, pain, and wanting to be with people who love them.

My generation of people, the 19 - 20-something year olds, hate babies. I know this girl at school who will literally verbally attack you if you mention the idea of having babies. Not about HER having babies, but about ANYONE having babies. She thinks it's the most selfish, narcissistic, and disgusting thing people can do. Why do I know this? She's not my friend. Oh, no no no. She had a fit in class and decided to tell all this to the class once someone started talking about creating offspring. Talk about some repressed childhood fucked up shit.

She's a sassy neurotic bitch. But that's besides the point.

WHY? Why!?!?!?! I don't get it. It's how YOU were given life you idiot. And I'm not saying everyone should have babies. In fact many people should really NOT have babies, but for those who want them, don't hate. Don't hate the idea and don't hate the baby when you walk by one in public that's crying.

I know so many people that hate babies. Some friends, some not. Hell, even my professor the other day made some snarky comment about not liking babies and not thinking they're cute.

My generation is like...the opposite of the baby boomer generation. It is the baby hater generation. And it makes me really upset. I don't know maybe it'll help with ridiculous population growth or something.

What happened to seeing the beauty in having children? Family? Teaching amazing things to someone else? Sacrificing you life for another human and WANTING to do it with every fiber of your being? Why is the idea of children only losing money, stress, a burden, and simply a pain in the ass these days?

I'm really tired of hanging out with my age group, passing by children, and then listening to them complain about kids and how they should shut up or stay locked up at home away from "people," and then swearing to never have kids. It's all usually matched with a distorted facial expression emphasizing disgust. Some gag.

I have kids in my family. A 5 year old niece and a 3 year old nephew. I have another niece and nephew on the way. And I love it. Seeing them is the best part of my life sometimes. And people swear that all kids do is yell and scream and cry and bitch. But really people, it's not that hard. When kids are bad, it's usually the parents or caretakers fault. Communicating with kids is so simple, but because we're the baby haters we just yell "No!" and "Don't!" and "Stop!" We forget that they are people. Little people, sure. But people. Just talk to them. Teach them. Explain to them. It's really quite amazing. And it may not work every time, but they're KIDS. Enjoy all the beautiful things: their honesty, their ability to tell the best jokes and say the funniest shit you'll ever hear, their thoughts and personality at work and in progress. It's awesome.

So please.
Stop trippin' and don't hate.