venerdì 19 marzo 2010

A moment of your time.

Can I just take this time to say that I'm really happy?

Friends are so good. All of them.
School is so good, challenging, but manageable. My projects are actually pretty cool and I'm getting into them. And reading War & Peace has got to be one of the most amazing experiences I've had with literature.
I have time for my art. I'm drawing, I'm writing, I'm painting.
I'm only further enjoying hanging out with all these new amazing people in life.
I've met a guy that is currently being a fun and adorable flirtation for me, and that's it for now and I know it which makes it fun instead of stressful. And I'm not obsessive about making it more than that because it's just a new friend.
My new best friend is proving to be one of the most amazing girls I've ever met. And I can't wait to sit by the pool with her today as well as other awesome friends.

It's crazy because you get so caught up in the fun and joyfulness that you forget to step back and notice it. You forget to stop in your tracks and look at everything and just think..."Thank you. Thank you God. Thank you life. Thank you loved ones. Just thank you." Normally it's the bad that's so easy to notice, but I'm taking this moment to notice...all this.

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