giovedì 21 gennaio 2010

New blog.

Well you see, I've noticed that my blogs are usually random and whatever I just want to write about and I enjoy that. However, I want a blog that has more of point, a theme, a general thematic purpose. So on that note, I just created a new blog but I will make a post soon about it and when it will be ready for viewing and all that stuff. I really want to make it look different and - well I don't know. I'm working on it. Blogger options are limited (so if you or someone you know has a way of putting custom design into blogger, I would love a tutorial because I honestly would just love to design the page myself, but blogger has limitations i don't know how to get around).

I will always continue this one but I wanted something different to motivate me and hopefully my viewers/readers, something that has a daily theme to it so I have something to keep me going, and also just to have a great record of the things I make. But that's all I'm going to say for right now!

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